Quality Education

Children’s rights and interests will be promoted in different directions according to the development levels, needs, and geographical factors of every child so that they can enjoy their basic rights and live healthily and happily.

Every child has the right to access safe, quality education.

Today, about 124 million children across the world are out of school and about 250 million are not learning basic skills as a result of poor-quality education.

Girls, as well as children with disabilities, not forgetting those from minority groups and children living in poor and remote areas, are most often denied access to education. This has far-reaching consequences on their futures and those of their families, communities, and countries.

We promote free, equal access to quality education for all children – from early learning to secondary education. We work with children, their families, communities, wider society, and the government, we advocate at both local and international levels so that all children are able to get a quality education.