Gender Equality

Reducing inequality strengthens economies and builds stable, resilient societies that give all individuals – including boys and girls – the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Girls and boys see gender inequality in their homes and communities every day – in textbooks, in the media, and among their caregivers who care for them.

We work to accelerate progress toward a more gender-equal world by addressing the barriers that keep women and girls from being fully active in their homes, economies, and societies.

Parents may assume unequal responsibility for household work, with mothers bearing the brunt of caregiving and chores. The majority of low-skilled and underpaid community health workers who attend to children are also women, with limited opportunities for professional growth.

And in schools, many girls receive less support than boys to pursue the studies they choose. This happens for a variety of reasons: The safety, hygiene, and sanitation needs of girls may be neglected, barring them from regularly attending class. Discriminatory teaching practices and educational materials also produce gender gaps in learning and skills development. As a result, nearly 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are neither employed nor in education or training – compared to 1 in 10 boys.

We believe that the undervaluing of women and girls is at the root of every problem our organization is working to solve. Our Livelihood and Women Empowerment department is focused on breaking down structural barriers to women’s equality so as to help women overcome the day-to-day obstacles they face.

Our works empower women and girls, promoting gender equality in local communities.

Our livelihood and women empowerment department’s strategy has accelerated the organization’s gender-related work, strengthened its position in areas of impact, and improved women’s participation in community decision-making tables.

Our livelihood and women empowerment team works to ensure that gender equality is incorporated across the organization’s work. Our initiatives include women’s economic empowerment, women’s leadership, data and evidence, and innovation in science and technology to improve women’s health.

Our focus is on reaching low-income women and girls in the far hard-to-reach, rural communities in Cameroon.

How We Respond

We work to break down structural barriers to equality for women and girls and challenge the social norms that disadvantage them. We also work to improve the lives of individual women through projects and programs that help them overcome day-to-day obstacles. Our efforts include:

  • Addressing women’s vulnerabilities in areas such as health, nutrition, and sanitation
  • Increasing self-determination for women through initiatives that focus on digital connectivity and adoption, skills development, and economic empowerment
  • Expanding leadership opportunities for women
  • Influencing norms and reducing barriers to promote women’s full participation in society

We use data to measure and improve the impact of interventions for women and girls, enabling us to develop and implement projects that make a difference.

We carry on grassroots, national, and global advocacy and communications programs to make the case for gender equality as a strategic priority that will benefit everyone.